
The sky is the limit. Short-term solutions for long-term demands
While the global aviation industry continues to grow every year, the building and provision of ground infrastructure struggles to keep up with the actual demand.
Building new, fixed terminals and other facilities requires long planning and construction periods, as well as a massive investment. Temporary accommodations are a fast and cost-efficient way of expanding capacity at your airport.
Losberger De Boer offers solutions for long-term capacity demands, that can be placed on short term.
Our airport solutions include:
- Relocatable terminals
- Baggage handling facilities
- Warehouse facilities
- Aircraft hangars
- Check-in, customs and security facilities
我们所有的篷房都是模块化设计,并由我们自己的专家进行设计生产,让你体验高品质的德国品牌带来的确定性和安心。 我们的机场解决方案的一些主要优点是:
从临时篷房到永久性篷房,我们所有的篷房系统都采用通用的模块化设计。 模块化意味着速度。 我们有大量可用的库存,这意味着我们可以快速部署和安装您需要的篷房。
模块化结构的另一个好处是,它可以根据您的确切规格进行量身定制。 通过添加长度,宽度甚至高度,我们可以使您最大程度地利用可用空间。
劳斯伯格篷房可以搬迁,使您可以进行重新部署,或者只是移动并调整篷房位置以适应不同的需求。 通过模块化设计,我们的结构可以按比例放大和缩小以继续满足您的要求,并提供无限的灵活性。
所有劳斯伯格建筑物在质量、安全性和可持续性方面均遵守行业高标准。 我们所有的篷房产品和配件均由我们严格的质量控制团队进行了专业测试,并在全球众多机场的场地上经受住了时间的考验。
When increasing capacity demands require a swift and solid solution
Losberger De Boer’s structures are the fastest and most cost-efficient alternative to building new facilities, whether temporary or permanent.
Our airport facilities can be integrated with existing buildings or stand alone. They can be several stories high and because we can combine several structures seamlessly, there is no limit to the amount of ground space we can deliver.
When extra capacity is required
Our mobile airport structures are the perfect solution:
- When there is an urgent need for extra passenger capacity (during large-scale sporting events, cultural events and trade shows)
- To bridge the gap during renovation and refurbishment of existing buildings or the construction of new facilities
- When an increases in cargo traffic fuels the demand for additional storage space
- When there is an increased demand for MRO and FBO facilities
- For permanent expansion of airport capacity

‘Professional and on short notice’
“The terminal structure and project management delivered by Losberger De Boer was professional, timely and played an important part in our ability to process a large amount of additional fans within a short timescale, whilst also operating business as usual for our customers travelling for leisure or business.”
- Terminal built in 5 days
- Fully equipped
- Turnkey delivery
I look forward to future opportunities to work with Losberger De Boer on other projects.
Robert Hammacott
Head of Airport Facilities at Cardiff Airport

General Manager | 总经理